Program 4.–5.10. 2013

Feministisk serieteckning – nordisk nätverksmöte

Feminist Comics – Nordic Network Meeting

Invited guests: Rikke Bakman and Rikke Villadsen from Denmark, Rut Andersson and Saskia Gullstrand from Sweden and Hanneriina Moisseinen and Kaisa Leka from Finland.

Friday 4.10. 2013 13–18

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Welcome!

13.15-14.45 invited artists presenting their work

14.45 Maura Manninen from Helsinki comics center tells about northern european CUNE Cir Comics Artists in Residence -program

15.00 opening of the exhibition on feminist comics, works from the invited guests of the seminar Also opening of exhibitions of Stefano Beccari, Bess Frimodig and Tuija Suutari. Exhibitions are inaugured by Päivi Sirén, the president of the exhibition board of Finnish painter’s association.

16.00 Discussing women’s and other minorities’ position in comics field in respective countries In most European countries majority of comics students are women nowadays. Gatekeepers (publishers, editors, critics, teachers…) still tend to be men. Is this something we should pay more attention to? What stories we may not see in comics because the scene is still very straight and white?

16.30 Dotterbolaget, a swedish network for feminist comics artists Dotterbolaget was founded in 2005 as an feminist, non-hierarchical network for women and transpeople comics artists. How it works and how it has changed the swedish comics scene?

17.00 Gray statistics made into cool narrative infographics Case Ladydrawers of Chicago (see for example here and here ) – would it be inspiring to do something like this comparing scenes in Nordic countries?

17.30 Women as comics readers Women make the most of audience of any given form of culture except comics. Why is this? How could this be changed? case: Laydeez do Comics (UK) I think other project can be found as well, from Nordic countries and elsewhere.

18.00 End of official program. Dinner and discussion. 


Saturday 5.10. 10-15

10.00 Meeting at Hanasaari

11.00 Arriving at Sarjakuvakeskus Comics center (Hämeentie 150)

11.30 Kaisa Leka tells about her work and comics as a medium of social activism

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Plans for the future Finnish Comics Society already made a grant application for this project to continue it next year. We proposed to organize for example workshops for the artists as well as newcomers, exhibition and stage program at the comics festival etc. We’ll know by the end of this year, whether we get the funding.

Feminist comics network meeting is a part of Feministinen sarjakuvasyksy /Feminist comics autumn events: or in FB: FeministinenSarjakuvasyksy2013

Further information: producer Johanna ”Roju” Rojola: johanna.rojola (ät)

Network meeting is organized by

Suomen sarjakuvaseura
Hanaholmen cultural center
Embassy of Denmark
Embassy of Sweden