Namifezi is out! Namifezi is an English language feminist zine by Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen, Apila Pepita Miettinen, Niko-Petteri Niva, Petra Rintala, Nadia Ojajärvi, Taina Hakala, Henna Räsänen, Jon Kuitunen, Aino Sutinen, Miia Vistilä and Tuomas Tiainen.

Cover & layout by Apila Pepita
The zine has comics about things like gendered bathrooms, diet culture, fatphobia, veganism, pronouns, masturbation, fantasies, media representation and much more.

Petra Rintala
Order it here
40 pages, A5, in colour.
6 € + postage, write to: Postage is 2 € for one zine in Finland, or if you order more or abroad, ask about the price. You can also pick up from Comics Center (Sarjakuvakeskus, Hämeentie 150, 00560 Helsinki).

Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen
We will be present at CAKE – Chicago Alternative Comics Expo on 11–12 June! Our table is 11a. Namifezi is among the official debuts:
Namifezi is the second zine published by FEMSKT / Feministinen sarjakuvatoiminta / Femicomix Finland / this bunch of your favourite feminist artists. It is our second zine after Namifetsi (2015, in Finnish). Some of the comics are the same in translation and many are brand new.

Miia Vistilä

Hanna-Pirita at CAKE in 2015

Taina Hakala