Jemma is a minifestival for everyone interested in visual culture and political or social activism. The festival is organized by Feminist Comics Action and held in Akkuna Gallery at Lasipalatsi on 2.–13.9.2014. The program is free of charge.  Register at Akkuna 15 min. before the workshops begin!



Tuesday 2.9.

Journalist Anniina Mustalahti & photographer Veera Pitkänen: Research & photography

How can you use a photo to communicate, for example, if you don’t have a spoken language in common? Experiences from workshops with voodoo-students in Benin. Time. 17-19

Wednesday 3.9.

Zsa Zsa Zine (Netherlands): Mini Comic Jam -zine workshop

In the workshop of this queerfeminist zine group you can make collective mini comics. Sheet is passed on, the story is born, a zine is born. Time: 16-19

Opening party

In the alcohol-free, no-age-limit opening party Partyjumppa Team is playing music. Drawing and fresh beverages. Time: 18-20

Friday 5.9.

Taina Hakala: Collage workshop

We use scissors and glue to crash the old stereotypes – the material is found in fashion and ladies’ magazines. Time: 16-18

Lisa Mandel (France): Meet the Artist

Lisa Mandel started her career with comics for teenagers. She has worked on freshening up the gender roles in her comics by telling stories about princesses liking other princesses, and lesbian super heroes, among other topics. Time 18-19

Saturday 6.9.

Team Pärvelö: Group-funding a comics antology

Team Pärvelö published their lesbian themed historical comics antology Lepakkoluola with a group funding service. Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen & Laura Haapamäki share the experience. Time: 13-14

Anna-Leena Kankaanpää: New seams on old T-shirts

We will make new fashion out of former years’ Comics Festival T-shirts. House offers the shirts and an overlocking machine! If possible, bring a pair of good scissors.
Time: 15-18

Sunday 7.9.

Mustikka collective: Illustrated mini lectures

Mustikka collective has two lectures, 15 minutes each. They hope that the listeners will draw pictures (/comics) of these lectures. Pens/pencils and paper provided!

Welcome queer revolution! Time: 13-14

Anarchistic love? Time: 16-17

Anne Elisabeth Moore (USA): Meet the Artist

Comic artist, journalist and a founder of the Ladydrawers collective Anne Elisabeth Moore if one of the most interesting names of informational comics. Now she’s showing us her own zine production. Time: 14.30-15.30

Tuesday 9.9.

Utopia Helsinki: Poster workshop

In Utopia’s poster workshop the participants design and sketch the next Utopia poster as a collective. Utopia is a culture group that promotes accessibilty and safe space. What kind of a poster would speak to everyone, and not leave anyone out? Time: 16-19

Wednesday 10.9.

Night of Yacky

In this workshop you can fix old racist, sexist or in anyway dumb comics to a better state. You can use collage, rewrite bubbles or fix the pictures. We provide some yacky material, but you can also bring in something you hate. Time: 17-19

Thursday 11.9.

Utopia Helsinki: Radical cross-stitching

Radical cross-stitching you can stitch something revolutional to decorate your room with. Time: 16-19

Saturday 13.9.

Night of Big Fans & the Close-up party

Women, jealous?! In the great night of tributes we make fan mail and cover comics for some lady comic artists and other idols. Time:17-20



Sarjakuvakeskuksen sivuilta:



AVOIN LUENTO TI 28.1. KLO 14.00–15.30
+TYÖPAJA MA 27.1. & TI 28.1. 16.30–20.30

Pajan hinta 20/25 €  (alennettu hinta Suomen sarjakuvaseuran jäsenille, opiskelijoille ja työttömille). Luento on ilmainen.

aemphoto-224x300Anne Elizabeth Moore on yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, journalisti, tutkija ja sarjakuvakäsikirjoittaja. Moore vierailee Suomessa puhumassa mm. työstään Ladydrawers-sarjakuvakollektiivin kanssa. Kollektiivi tekee naisvoimin faktapohjaisia sarjakuvia ja reportaaseja, käyttäen aineistonaan esimerkiksi tilastoja.

Don’t Be a Dick -projekti tutkii sukupuolijakaumia sarjakuva-alalla ja seksismiä sarjakuvien aihealueiden piirissä. Yhdysvaltalaisen sarjakuva-alan realiteetteja, levityskanavia, markkinointia, aihealueita ja historiaa käsitellään useiden piirtäjien voimin faktalähtöisesti, hauskasti ja feministisestä näkökulmasta.


Monialainen ja palkittu, nykyään Chicagossa asuva Moore on viime aikoina tutkinut myös mm. tekstiiliteollisuuden realiteetteja Kambodžassa. Hän on myös käsikirjoittanut useita tekstiiliteollisuuteen liittyviä sarjakuvia.

Moore kertoo Sarjakuvakeskuksella työstään journalismin, sarjakuvan ja tiedonhankinnan parissa avoimessa luentotilaisuudessa. Luennon lisäksi järjestettävä työpaja käsittelee mm. tilastojen ja haastattelujen käyttämistä taiteellisen työn pohjana ja se on suunnattu niin sarjakuvantekijöille kuin kaikilletaiteesta, kirjoittamisesta ja tiedon visualisoinnista kiinnostuneille. Hinta sisältää välineet ja omia välineitä voi myös ottaa mukaan. Luennon ja työpajan kielenä on englanti.

Työpajaan ilmoittautumiset sekä lisätiedot os. johanna.rojola (ät)


Anne Elizabeth Moore is a Chicago based writer, researcher, journalist and comics scriptwriter. On her visit at the Comics Center she will give a free lecture on her work with the Ladydrawers comics collective, as well as other projects such as research on the textile and garment industries. There will also be a workshop for artists and writers. For more information and signing up for the workshop, contact  johanna.rojola (ät)

  • Lecture Tues 28th Jan 2PM – 3.30PM
  • Workshop Mon 27th & Tues 28th Jan 4.30PM – 8.30PM, 20/25€



The Ladydrawers Comics Collective:

Don’t Be a Dick:

Fast Fashion:

Anne Elizabeth Moore /Ladydrawers of Chicago

Anne Elizabeth Moore tulee Helsinkiin ja pitää luennon ja työpajan ma 27. – ti 28. tammikuuta 2014! Suunnitelmissa ovat ainakin jonkinlainen työpaja (varmaankin tilastojen louhimista sarjakuvista) ja yleisöluento.
Katso lisää linkkejä tästä Anne kuka?
tästä Sex.Money.Race.Gender
ja tästä Ladydrawers at internet dot com

Työpajaan tulee luultavasti pieni pääsymaksu. Tarkemmat ajat ja paikat myöhemmin.


Program 4.–5.10. 2013

Feministisk serieteckning – nordisk nätverksmöte

Feminist Comics – Nordic Network Meeting

Invited guests: Rikke Bakman and Rikke Villadsen from Denmark, Rut Andersson and Saskia Gullstrand from Sweden and Hanneriina Moisseinen and Kaisa Leka from Finland.

Friday 4.10. 2013 13–18

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Welcome!

13.15-14.45 invited artists presenting their work

14.45 Maura Manninen from Helsinki comics center tells about northern european CUNE Cir Comics Artists in Residence -program

15.00 opening of the exhibition on feminist comics, works from the invited guests of the seminar Also opening of exhibitions of Stefano Beccari, Bess Frimodig and Tuija Suutari. Exhibitions are inaugured by Päivi Sirén, the president of the exhibition board of Finnish painter’s association.

16.00 Discussing women’s and other minorities’ position in comics field in respective countries In most European countries majority of comics students are women nowadays. Gatekeepers (publishers, editors, critics, teachers…) still tend to be men. Is this something we should pay more attention to? What stories we may not see in comics because the scene is still very straight and white?

16.30 Dotterbolaget, a swedish network for feminist comics artists Dotterbolaget was founded in 2005 as an feminist, non-hierarchical network for women and transpeople comics artists. How it works and how it has changed the swedish comics scene?

17.00 Gray statistics made into cool narrative infographics Case Ladydrawers of Chicago (see for example here and here ) – would it be inspiring to do something like this comparing scenes in Nordic countries?

17.30 Women as comics readers Women make the most of audience of any given form of culture except comics. Why is this? How could this be changed? case: Laydeez do Comics (UK) I think other project can be found as well, from Nordic countries and elsewhere.

18.00 End of official program. Dinner and discussion. 


Saturday 5.10. 10-15

10.00 Meeting at Hanasaari

11.00 Arriving at Sarjakuvakeskus Comics center (Hämeentie 150)

11.30 Kaisa Leka tells about her work and comics as a medium of social activism

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Plans for the future Finnish Comics Society already made a grant application for this project to continue it next year. We proposed to organize for example workshops for the artists as well as newcomers, exhibition and stage program at the comics festival etc. We’ll know by the end of this year, whether we get the funding.

Feminist comics network meeting is a part of Feministinen sarjakuvasyksy /Feminist comics autumn events: or in FB: FeministinenSarjakuvasyksy2013

Further information: producer Johanna ”Roju” Rojola: johanna.rojola (ät)

Network meeting is organized by

Suomen sarjakuvaseura
Hanaholmen cultural center
Embassy of Denmark
Embassy of Sweden

Feministisk serieteckning – nordisk nätverksmöte


Welcome to an international networking meeting for feminist comics artists in Hanaholmen Culture Center (near Helsinki) Friday 4. and Saturday 5. October 2013.

The seminar is mainly aimed for comics professionals and people whose work is somehow related to comics (librarians, journalists, visualists, teachers etc.). Comics readers and fans are warmly welcome as well!

The seminar program starts on Friday at 13 h and ends around 18 h. On Saturday the program starts at 11 h and ends around 14-15 h.

There will also be a small exhibition about the works of the official guests at Hanaholmen Culture Center 4.10.-24.11.

The meaning of this first meeting is to meet and network. As a network we can share our knowledge, experience and international contacts for the good of us all. This first meeting will hopefully also generate further happenings in the future: exhibitions, meetings, publications and what not.

Due some last minute changes on guests, revised program at week 39. So far we know this much for sure:

Confirmed guests:

Rikke Bakman

Rikke Villadsen, Danmark

Kaisa Leka, Finland

Hanneriina Moisseinen

Rut Anderson, Sweden

Saskia Gullstrand, Dotterbolaget, Sweden


Each invited guest is giving a small presentation of their own work. Other subjects:

-a discussion on women’s and other minorities’ position in comics field in respective countries. In most European countries majority of comics students are women nowadays. Gatekeepers (publishers, editors, critics, teachers…) still tend to be men. Is this something we should pay more attention to? What stories we may not see in comics because the scene is still very straight and white?

-gray statistics made into cool narrative infographics, case Ladydrawers of Chicago (see for example here and here ) – would it be inspiring to do something like this comparing scenes in Nordic countries?

-women as comics readers. Women make the most of audience of any given form of culture except comics. Why is this? How could this be changed? case: Laydeez do Comics (UK) I think other project can be found as well, from Nordic countries and elsewhere.

-plans for the future. Finnish Comics Society already made a grant application for this project to continue it next year. We proposed to organize for example workshops for the artists as well as newcomers, exhibition and stage program at the comics festival etc. We’ll know by the end of this year, whether we get the funding.

If you would like to attend the meeting from abroad, it is possible to ask for travel grants from your own country. We’ll be happy to provide official invitations and help with other travel arrangements.

Ilmoittautuminen /anmälning /enrollment: Hanaholmen-Hanasaari web page

Organizers of this meeting are

Finnish Comics Society

NordiComics Network

Hanaholmen Cultural Center

and the embassies of Danmark, Norway and Sweden.

Dotterbolaget in residence at Villa Salin!

Dotterbolaget is a feminist female and trans separatist network for comics artists. Our aim is to work against patriarchal structures that are still spreading in the comics field today and to support women’s and transpeople’s activity in it. Dotterbolaget works as a social arena as well as a professional in which the members cooperate and support each other instead of competing. We publish fanzines, have exhibitions and give workshops on making comics. So far, there are Dotterbolaget groups in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Gästrickland and Umeå.” (transl: Johanna Rojola & Aino Sutinen)

Naisasialiitto Unioni (g. 1892) has a new residence program for feminist initiatives. I’m very happy and proud our comics workshop 2.-5.9. 2013 is amongst the first projects to be selected. Four full days in beautiful Villa Salin for mini-workshops, presentations, lectures, meetings etc.

Follow this blog for updates and like us in Facebook: FeministinenSarjakuvasyksy2013
