New year, new plans! Our feminist comic residence in Villa Salin of Naisunioni is taking place in 16.-19. March 2015. We have participants from swedish Dotterbolaget and from finnish collectives Normkritisk nätverk, Utopia Helsinki, Arx antiracist network and Mustikka collective & small publishing house.
Main thing of the residence is for feminist comic artists from Sweden and Finland to meet, draw, draw, draw, discuss and write.
Planned so far:
We start mornings by scanning the daily papers with normcritical, antiracist and feminist glasses. What is written? To who? By who? Why? What is left out? Why? How does this correlate to the reality we see and live? Discussion, brainstorming, improvisation drawing together and alone.
We shall do different drawing exercises for the fun of it.
In the meetings during spring we shall choose some themes to focus. This depends on participants, what themes do we want to work with? Personally, I see it important to leave enough time for free talk and drawing, to have space to come up with something new.
Facebook event here.
If you are interested, send mail to
IMPORTANT: bring your own towels & sheets (if you plan to go to sauna /stay overnight). More info on availability of lodging via email above. Also, let us know about any allergies etc. We prepare vegan food.
Program update 25.2.2015 (mest på svenska)
MÅNDAG dörrarna öppnas kl 12.
kl. 16 Johanna Rojola presenterar
”a research of race and gender in the comic industry”. This is inspired by
Anne Elizabeth Moore, Chicagos gift to the world of comics.
kl. 18 mini lektion, Eva från Mustikka förlaget/kollektiv: Queer-tid. Visualisering.
”Queer” refers to nonnormative logics and organizations of community, sexual identity, embodiment, and activity in space and time. “Queer time” is a term for those specific models of temporality that emerge within postmodernism once one leaves the temporal frames of bourgeois reproduction and family, longevity, risk/safety, and inheritance. “Queer space” refers to the place-making practices within postmodernism in which queer people engage and it also describes the new understandings of space enabled by the production of queer counterpublics.– Jack Halberstam: In a Queer Time and Place. Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives (2005)
kl.10-12 Översättning workshop med Hannele Richert.
Serier ska projiceras och vi ska översätta serier tillsammans med vår grupp intelligence. svenska-engelska-finska. Här ska vi också testa hur det går att lära språk med serier.
kl. 14 ”portfoliopotpurren” dvs. artist presentationer = chans att presentera vad DU håller på med och få ”feedback”. Vi ska höra bl.a. presentationer av:
- Verna Kuutti: ”Mind, medication and documentation”, examensarbete i serieform.
- Kukka-Maria Kiuru visar och berättar sitt seriealbum, som behandlar alopecia, sjukdom som får man tappa allt hår. Jag har förstått att detta har mycket med normkritik att göra.
Med mera!
Vill du visa vad du gör och diskutera om det? Ta material med, på pappret eller på usb-stick till exempel.
(obs! inte i Villa Salin, detta är i centern, address Bulevard 11 a 1)
Läsföreställningen av finska och svenska serier. Kukka-Maria Kiuru, Taina Hakala, Karolina Bång och Sling Lindh läser sina egna och andra serier.
Vill du läsa dina serier? Ta dom med på usb-sticka, eller serier kan också läsas från blogg tror jag. För serieläsning ska serien delas till lämpliga rutor och projiceras och läses upp med repliker, ljudeffekt och allt. Om du vill delta ta kontakt:
kl. 11 normkritisk grassrootcomics med Johanna Rojola som serielärare och Malin Gustavsson från Normkritisk Nätverk.
Johanna skriver:
Grassroots comics have been used by organisations to focus on different issues, such as racism, sexual harassment, girl child rights, school drop-outs, hiv/aids, sanitation, and right to education. The method is very simple and does not require much drawing skill. Any issue, on which one can make a story, can be expressed through grassroots comics.
Grassroots comics are made into 4-panel wallposters, a zine or a newspaper /internet comics strip for distribution in the community.
The concept was developed in cooperation with organisations in India, Tanzania, Mozambique and groups in Finland. It has been used in NGO development work and in movements and campaigns. These comics are always very powerful because they are made by local activists or the stakeholders themselves. The stories are credible and relevant to the community.”
Malin ska prata oss om ”safe space instructions” och vi ska visualisera dom till bilder (med positiv attitude) som kunde användas som poster eller kort.
kl. 15-17 Radical Cross stitch with Utopia Helsinki
kl. 17-19 ARX antirasistisk nätverk: Freedom of speech and power. How to stand up against racism and hate speech?
Relaxation exercises for drawers, by Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen and Kukka-Maria Kiuru
Kanske sauna?
TORSDAG Sista dag!
Teckna, prata, vad fick du från residencen, några framtidsplaner? Lunch, städning.