FEMSKT sarjakuvaresidenssi /Femicomix residency 2019!

Illustration: Myfanwy Tristram https://myfanwytristram.com/

Illustration: Myfanwy Tristram

Ilmoittautuminen on alkanut! Enrolling is open! Follow the link: https://bit.ly/2sYlbYl

*scroll down for english*

Feministinen sarjakuvaresidenssi 15.-18.4. 2019 tarjoaa osallistujille mahdollisuuden tavata muita feministisiä sarjakuvaihmisiä, osallistua erilaisiin työpajoihin sekä esitellä omia töitään ja saada niistä palautetta.

Residenssi on avoin kaikille ja osallistujille maksuton. Residenssiin ovat tervetulleita niin sarjakuvan ammattilaiset, aloittelijat ja aiheesta kiinnostuneet kokemattomatkin. Etusijalla ovat naiset ja muunsukupuoliset. Tarjolla on rajallinen määrä majapaikkoja ensisijaisesti Helsingin ulkopuolelta saapuville. Residenssissä majoittuvilta peritään pieni panttimaksu, jonka saa takaisin residenssiin saapuessa tai osallistumisen peruuntuessa. Jos asut tai sinulla on majapaikka pääkaupunkiseudulla, voit osallistua residenssin päiväohjelmaan. Ilmottaudu joka tapauksessa, jotta osaamme varautua valmistamalla oikean määrän vegaanista kasvisruokaa.

Mikäli ilmoittautuneita tulee enemmän kuin tilaan mahtuu, etusijalla ovat aikaisemmin / edellisenä vuonna residenssiin osallistumattomat hakijat. Loput paikat arvotaan. Yleensä kaikki päiväkävijät ovat mahtuneet. Voimme myös tarvittaessa auttaa sohvapaikan etsimisessä, mikäli Villa Saliniin majoituspaikat ovat täynnä.

Kerro tuletko koko ajalle vai osaksi aikaa, tarvitsetko majoitusta ja onko sinulla allergioita tai muita ruokarajoituksia. Voit myös kertoa toiveita residenssin suhteen tai ehdottaa ohjelmaa, jos sinulla osaamista jaettavana. Residenssin työkielet ovat osallistujien mukaan suomi, ruotsi ja englanti. Työskentelyaika on noin klo 10-17. Ohjelma suunnitellaan yhdessä.

Ilmoittautuneille tulee lisätietoa helmikuun aikana ilmoittautumisen päätyttyä.

Jos olet ilmoittautunut, mutta et pääsekään paikalle, ilmoita asiasta heti, niin osaamme varautua tekemällä oikean määrän ruokaa ja antamalla mahdollisen majoituspaikan eteenpäin.

Residenssissä noudatetaan turvallisemman tilan sääntöjä, joista keskustellaan yhdessä aluksi.

Esteettömyystietoja: Tila ei ole esteetön. Alakertaan, jossa suurin osa yhteisestä ohjelmasta tapahtuu, on etuovesta yksi matalahko porras, johon saatavilla luiska. Alakerrassa on myös vessa, johon mahtuu pyörätuolilla. Yläkertaan on jyrkät portaat.


Feminist comics residence 15th to 18th April 2019 is a place to meet feminist comics people, take part in different workshops and to show your artwork and get feedback.

The residency is open for everyone and free of charge. Both comics professionals and new beginners, artists as well as readers or people who work with comics are warmly welcome. Women and trans people have priority. There is a limited number of beds to stay a priori for those attending from outside of Helsinki. We collect a small deposit fee from those who wish to stay at Villa Salin. The money will be returned upon arrival to the residence or in case of cancellation. If you live or have a place to stay at Helsinki region, you can participate in the residency’s daily program. Fill in the application form anyway, so we know how much vegan food to prepare.

If there are more applicants than we have space for, we will prioritize those who have not been to Villa Salin before / the previous year. We will draw lots for the rest of the places. Usually we have had enough space for all the daily visitors. We can also help you to find a couch to surf, if all the Villa Salin beds are taken.

Please specify if you wish to attend on all of the days or just certain days, if you need a place to stay at the Villa and if you have some food allergies or restrictions. You can also tell your hopes and wishes about the residency and offer to share your knowledge. Working languages are english, finnish and swedish depending on the participants. The working hours are approximately from 10 to 5 p.m. The program will be planned collectively.

The applicants will get more information in February after the application time has ended.

If you have applied, but cannot participate the residency, please let us know as soon as you can, so we can consider the right amount of food and possibly forward the accomodation.

At the residency, we follow the principles of a safer space and we discuss the rules together in the beginning.

Accessibility information: Villa Salin is not unobstructed. There is a slope available to pass the step at the main door to access the ground level of the Villa. Downstairs toilet is wheel chair accessible. Steep stairs lead to first floor of the Villa. Most of the activities take place at the ground floor, most of the bedrooms are on the first floor.

See what others have said about our former residencies:
(if you have made a blog post we don’t know of, please add it to the comments!)

Myfanwy Tristram’s drawn reportage form 2018
Agnes Ivarssons dagbok från 2016 (in swedish) 

Lisätiedot /More info:

sarjakuvafeministit (at) gmail dot com
Twitter: @femicomix
IG: @femicomix_finland
Tumblr: femskt.tumblr.com

Random diary of a FEMSKT intern

Keekie from Muurla comics school worked as an intern with FEMSKT for two weeks. Here are some glimpses of what they got to do during the internship. Most of the time was spent on making a narrative infographic on how to organize your own Femidistro. We will make an english translation of that one in April, stay tuned!











Kuti #40 – FemiKuti!

Spring 2016 FEMSKT FemiComix Finland was invited to co-edit an issue of Kuti magazine, a free comics tabloid with international fame! Kuti is published by KutiKuti comics collective. All the printed issues are out already, but you can still read FemiKuti from ISSUU. Do that and discover new feminist comics artists from all over the world!

Bang Bang Girl Gang by Emmi Valve

Cover: Bang Bang Girl Gang by Emmi Valve

Editing Kuti was fun but also surprisingly difficult. Lots of good stuff had to be left out, as always. Communication was sometimes complicated with so many people involved. I wish we had more diversity in participants. It seems difficult to get a word out outside your own bubble in social media. You need time to make a name but this was a one-off. On the other hand, we got loads and loads of good comics! See for yourself.

I’d like to publish more to make things better!


Salin Comics Camp 2016 report


In April 2016 we spend four wonderful days at Villa Salin residence by seaside in Lauttasaari. Thank you for all wonderful people for participating <3 (Next Salin Comics Camp shall happen 10.-13.4.2017 follow this blog or our facebook for more information later.)

Residence was for anybody who has interest in making comics from feminist point of view. In example creating comics about experiences from people who usually are not so well presented in media or entertainment. Or recognizing i.e. social structures, effect of class, gender, poverty or wealth, good or poor health…scc_2016_14We started every day drawing quick croquis exercises to free our drawing hands and taking over possible fear of the white paper.

We had different timelimits (from 4 minutes to 15 sec.) and instructions – draw with your weaker hand, draw with only one line, don’t lift the pen, draw looking only at the model, not the paper and so on. This is for to flip us from our usual manners in drawing and to avoid fear of ”making mistakes”. Just draw, don’t worry how it looks like, it develops your skills in drawing and observing anyway!scc_2016_07

On Monday we did storyboard (script using only images) as group work. In this ”space shuttle” exercise only images, no text is allowed. So it makes you think best way to put your story in pictures, making as effective and informative pictures as possible, since you are not allowed to explain things in text. Even though I highly do appreciate union of text and pictures and good dialog as well, it still is really useful to learn to express things in images, to avoid explaining or telling them again in text.scc_2016_05

Of course it usually means more work in drawing, but one can also develop skills on focusing on what is important and reasonable for the story to be shown.

This said, also developing and describing atmosphere of the story or characters with many pictures where not so much action is taking place can be really rewarding for reader.scc_2016_10


On Tuesday we did memorising exercise from Lynda Barrys book What it is. Barry has many great exercises for remembering things by writing, asking questions and answering them. Exercise was for writing but we had drawing as an option too.


On Tuesday afternoon we had a workshop by Mustikka. ”How best to promote animal rights? Could part of this be to recognize our own animal predecessors and nonhuman becomings? How could art help here? Does art have a genealogy that links it to the sexual forces of different animals as feminist philosopher Elizabeth Grosz suggests?” were some of the questions asked in the workshop.

scc_2016_16On Wednesday we worked with a character, real or fictional and wrote a background story about this character. It gives substance to your characters even though you won’t tell everything you know/came up writing background story.

We worked with character also by drawing character in different emotions and doing different things, angry, sleepy, happy, scared, amazed… sitting, running, standing…
On Wednesday we also had show and tell day, opportunity to present own projects. It’s useful to train yourself also to talk about your work and process behind it to other people and have some response and encouregement.

Jesse Matilainen told about his album project, Suomen Suurin Kommunisti (Greatest Communist of Finland), which starts from civil war and ends to year 1939. Interesting to hear about the amount of work when gathering information about everything for the story, characters and surroundings.

Miia Vistilä talked about her on going comics Rakkaat Siskot (Dear Sisters) and Rakkaat Kämppikset (Dear Flatmates), which are fictional comics about young adults living their everyday life.

Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen talked about her work making famous webcomic Immortal Nerd. ”Nokia is a young adult, living on a space station New Rauma. Nokia has just gotten their immortality and the best use they can come up with it is to browse the old internet all day long without eating or sleeping and not having to worry about dying of hunger. After three weeks of old internet Nokia’s parents decide they’ve had enough.” To H-Ps delight her comic with non-binary main character has become really popular.

scc_2016_15Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen, our respects for getting paid for webcomic.

On Thursday we draw character in different framesizes. And we made a useful black/white exercise, which I’ve learned from Marko Turunen. Draw three panels with your character, one which you use black for 33% of the image, one with 66% and one with 90 %. By using different amounts of black (light/shadow) you can create more interesting panels.scc_2016_23

We also draw and painted characters with different equipments to develop the character, using pencil, color pencils, drawing ink, watercolour…scc_2016_14

And we did some quick four panel comics for exercise too. Paper is divided in four panels, first person thinks and writes texts in panels, pass the papers, next person draws characters, pass the papers and third person draws surroundings. Below you can see these quick exercises made together, time for each stage was 5-10 minutes.scc_2016_25scc_2016_27scc_2016_26scc_2016_24scc_2016_22scc_2016_21scc_2016_20All drawings by and with permission of participants.

I also emptied my bookshelf for residence to have many examples of different styles and different themes. I see it really important to have wide range in stories we read and watch.


I could recommend any of these books, but as few examples…


Some stories from life of young girls,

Sanna Ala-Ojala’s Huomenna on se päivä (Tomorrow is the day) based on her teenage diaries,

Sara Hansson’s Vi håller på med en viktigt grej (We have an important thing going on) story about friendship, being misunderstood by the world – schoolmates, fathers etc… How come they don’t get it that Spice Girls is our life and always going to be?!

Esther Pearl Watson’s Unlovable, based on a found diary of teenagegirl.scc_2016_04

Nina Hemmingsson’s Minä olen tyttöystäväsi nyt (I am your girlfriend now) and Snyggast på festen (Coolest in the party) deals a lot with depression and it’s affects on ones life using black humour and razor sharp observing when it comes to society and it’s codes.

scc_2016_2I also chose many books that deal with themes that still are quite hard to discuss and even stigmatized.

Tiina Pystynen’s book Ystävänä yksinäisyys (Loneliness, my friend), gives a raw view how it can feel to be alone when one doesn’t want to.

Her earlier work, Leskikuningattaren muistelmat (Memoir of Widowqueen) describes life as a singlemother after her husband, father of the children has committed suicide.

Emmi Nieminen’s Keskiviikko (Wednesday) is about trying to heal after childhood shadowed by alchoholism of familys father.

I also brought some brilliant books about mental health problems.

Lisa Mandel’s L’Asile d’Aliens is based on her interviews from her parents who both worked in asylum for a long time to see brutal treatments still used in 1960s and also new trends taking over in 1970s.

Lotta Sjöberg’s Det kan alltid bli värre (It can always get worse) is also a lot about depression, describing dark theme though hilarious but black humour. Sjöbergs book also pays attention to capitalist society and it’s wicked works that doesn’t really improve anybodys mental health.

Comics can also be gentle way to handle difficult, painful or delicate themes that may not be the most popular topics around coffee tables.scc_2016_2

Ville Ranta’s Isä on vähän väsynyt (Father is a bit tired) is based on comic diary describing time that is expected to be happiest of ones life: being parent of a newborn child. Rantas book is an honest read about how exhausting and wearing this period with small child can be.

Sofia Nilsson’s Det bästa barnet (The best kid) offers a view to involuntary childlessness, painful and complicated topic.

Cyril Pedrosa’s Kolme varjoa (Three shadows) is based on experience of his friend, about losing a child to uncureable illness.

Hanneriina Moisseinen’s Isä (Father) tells the story of disappearance of her father, and how unsolved, heavy mystery takes its toll on remaining family. Book can also be seen as kind of theraphy process (I think) and final conclusion to deal with the burden of living on without never finding out what really happened.

Comics can also be used documenting history, as in Birgit Weyhes Im Himmel Ist Jahrmarkt, where she documents her family tree, giving us glimpse in the past society in Germany, troublesome familyrelations, peoples choises and the consequences in life.

Aapo Rapi’s awarded Meti is based on stories his grandmother tells about her life. Both, grandma and son have kind of stoic sense of humour which makes this colourful book a hilarious read, even though life hasn’t always been so easy.

Tiitu Takalo’s Minä, Mikko ja Annikki (Me, Mikko and Annikki), tells history of one block at Tampere, old working class town. At same time it describes changes in society and coming to this day it becomes partly autobiographical as well.

Liv Strömquist’s Kunskapens frukt , reveals history of feminine genitals, incredibly dumb theories and beliefs that were put in action with no second thoughts and caused loads of useless, pointless suffering among millions of women. Strömqvist uses a long reference list so this is really actual stuff, not any gut feeling guessing.

Reading this gives one creepy chills.


Next Salin Comics Camp shall happen 10.-13.4.2017 follow this blog or our facebook for more information later.

And most importantly, make comics, start and continue!

Share stories!


Salin Comics Camp / FEMSKT kiittää tuesta:

Taike, Kulturfondet, Naisunioni ja Ruohonjuuri! <3

P.s. Här kan du läsa svensk serieskapare, Agnes Ivarssons artikel om Salin Comics Camp
Ett rum utan rädsla – dagbok från feministiskt serieresidens, Villa Salin, Helsingfors, 2016.

Namifezi – Femicomix zine #2 is out!

Namifezi is out! Namifezi is an English language feminist zine by Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen, Apila Pepita Miettinen, Niko-Petteri Niva, Petra Rintala, Nadia Ojajärvi, Taina Hakala, Henna Räsänen, Jon Kuitunen, Aino Sutinen, Miia Vistilä and Tuomas Tiainen. 

feministinen sarjakuva namifezi feminatsi apila pepita

Cover & layout by Apila Pepita

The zine has comics about things like gendered bathrooms, diet culture, fatphobia, veganism, pronouns, masturbation, fantasies, media representation and much more.

Petra Rintala

Petra Rintala

Order it here

40 pages, A5, in colour.

6 € + postage, write to: apila.pepita@gmail.com. Postage is 2 € for one zine in Finland, or if you order more or abroad, ask about the price. You can also pick up from Comics Center (Sarjakuvakeskus, Hämeentie 150, 00560 Helsinki).

preview Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen FAT

Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen

We will be present at CAKE – Chicago Alternative Comics Expo on 11–12 June! Our table is 11a. Namifezi is among the official debuts: http://cakechicago.com/2016-expo-2/cake-debuts

Namifezi is the second zine published by FEMSKT / Feministinen sarjakuvatoiminta / Femicomix Finland / this bunch of your favourite feminist artists. It is our second zine after Namifetsi (2015, in Finnish). Some of the comics are the same in translation and many are brand new.

Miia Vistilä

Miia Vistilä


Hanna-Pirita at CAKE in 2015

Taina Hakala

Taina Hakala

Feminist issue of KUTI magazine is out

We were happy to get to co-operate on this with the Kutikuti collective!

KUTI #40 – Feminist issue is out and features the following artists:

B.Carrot (NL), Paula Bulling (DE), Vina Ćurčija (HR), Julie Delporte (FRA), Lisa Ewald (SE), Sophia Foster-Dimino (USA), Taina Hakala (FI), Sara Hansson (SE), Laura Keninš (CAN), Marlene Krause (DE), Verna Kuutti (FI), Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen (FI), Kaisa Leka (FI), Lilli Loge (DE), Raminta Maivyda (LT), Jesse Matilainen (FI), Apila Pepita Miettinen (FI), Anne Elisabeth Moore & Esther Pearl Watson (USA), Reetta Niemensivu (FI), Niko-Petteri Niva (FI), Aiju Salminen (FI), Martina Schradi (DE), Lotta Sjöberg (SE), Aino Sutinen (FI), Anni Laser Tolvane (FI), Marras Vedenoja (FI) and Grace Wilson (GB).

Co-edited by Johanna Rojola & Tuomas Tiainen with the Femicomix Finland collective. Cover by Emmi Valve and layout by Heikki Rönkkö. That’s an edition of 5 000 pcs so get your hands to it now before it runs out.

Read in Issuu here… or as a pdf in here.

Reminder: to support what we do you can subscribe the magazine in here.


FEMSKT Tampereella, katso kuvat!

Kun FEMSKT-verkostoa oltiin perustamassa 2013, Karolina Bång Dotterbolagetista neuvoi aluksi vain hengaamaan paljon yhdessä ja katsomaan, mitä siitä syntyy. Joka tapauksessa se on kivaa myös ihan muuten vaan!

Feministinen sarjakuvatoiminta tapasi Tampereella 23.4. 2016. Samana viikonloppuna oli virallinen Taidesuunnistus, joten taiteilijoiden työhuoneet olivat avoinna ja porukkaa paljon liikkeellä. Kyllä me silti ehdittiin epävirallisestikin turista ja matkustella paljon Tampereen paikallisbussien takapenkeillä niin kuin jotkut yläastepahikset. Räkimisen sijaan takapenkillä puhuttiin mm. kiusaamiskokemuksista, sukupuolesta ja yhteiskunnasta.

paikat, joissa kävimme:
Tampereen taidehalli
Emmi Niemisen sarjakuvablogi
Aino Louhi
Galleria Rajatila ja Laitapuoti – tänne voit tarjota omia pienkustanteitasi myyntiin!
Tiitun kotisivu ja sarjakuvablogi – Annikin korttelista ja vähän Tampereen historiastakin voit lukea Tiitun Sarjakuva-Finlandia -palkitusta albumista Minä, Mikko ja Annikki.

Mukana olivat rojuNadja, Jiipu, Marja, Petra ja Myla

Valokuvia reissusta FEMSKTin tumblerissa

Ohessa Petran sarjakuvapäiväkirja reissusta, poimittu luvalla Petran sarjisblogista.



Meowspheres Seaside Gathering by Mustikka, at Salin Comics Camp 2016

Friends! Welcome to Meowspheres Seaside Gathering by Mustikka, the first warm up event of our Meowspheres Summer Tour 2016!

How joyful to have a chance to meet you again and organize a workshop for you at the Salin Comics Camp 2016 by Feministinen Sarjakuvatoiminta the 12th of April at 16:00! Last year at our event in Villa Salin we formulated tens of questions concerning queer time to inspire the participants visualize alternative time frames. This year we will formulate lots of questions concerning our ongoing project, the elaboration of Cat Feminism & Cat Philosophy. Everyone is most welcome! Registration not obligatory!

How best to promote animal rights? Could part of this be to recognize our own animal predecessors and nonhuman becomings? How could art help here? Does art have a genealogy that links it to the sexual forces of different animals as feminist philosopher Elizabeth Grosz suggests? What would meowspheres be like as we call them here in Mustikka, either inner or outer places where all thematic questions would be thought taking into account the fact that humans are one animal species among many; animal rights including human rights; and our possibility to be energized by different animal species and their forces?

Let’s dream & draw, glide & crawl, rage & love! See you at Meowspheres Seaside Gathering, Tiirasaarentie 2, Helsinki, the 12th of April 2016 at 16:00!

Mustikka Collective


Salin Comics Camp: https://www.facebook.com/events/1646794908930620/

** Call for feminist comics! ** Kuti #40

Femikuti** Call for feminist comics! **

The next Kuti (#40) will be co-edited by the Femicomix Finland collective. We want to present feminist and queer comics / authors / collectives from all around the world. Send your antiracist/queer/feminist comics with an English translation to kutimagazine@gmail.com before 15 April 2016.

– Comics must be previously unpublished in Finnish

– In colour or b/w

– Page size 26 x 39 cm (please consider it’s BIG, equal to almost A3)

– Strips, half-pagers (landscape & vertical), one page, one spread

– Send to: kutimagazine@gmail.com before 15 April 2016

Please note: We usually get 100+ submissions for each magazine. The space is limited (usually 16-24 pages) so we cannot guarantee your piece will be included. However, FEMSKT has other publishing plans as well. In case we would like to use your stuff on some other project later, we will ask you case by case.

Who are we?

FEMICOMIX FINLAND aka FEMSKT is a collective of feminist comics artists and activists. We do workshops, events, exhibitions, publications, publicity, socialising and support.

Femicomix Finland is antiracist, inclusive, and aims to make all activities accessible to persons of all genders, races, and physical abilities. The group respects everyone’s right to self-definition. Anyone into antiracist and feminist comics – be it creator, reader, or otherwise interested – is welcome to join!


KUTI is a quarterly 4-colour tabloid focusing on comics and their authors. The main readership is culturally active young adults. Kuti does not present any political or religious connections.

The magazine is circulated through cafes, galleries, comic stores, schools, restaurants, book, and comic fairs. In Finland the circulation covers ca. 250 places in 13 cities – Helsinki, Hämeenlinna, Tampere, Turku, Lahti, Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Oulu, Pori, Imatra, Seinäjoki, and Lappeenranta. Kuti is also distributed abroad in several countries through our partners in crime.


#kutikuti #kuti #femskt

Image: Taina Hakala